scent workshops

A scent workshop is an ideal starting point to decipher your own relationship to smell and scent. Create your own story in scent and engage with your associations in a protected and fun environment.


 "It was like an exploration trip, where scents evoked new imaginations but also brought back old memories, that’s how powerful fragrances are.“

- Workshop participant, Sandra Ngoga, student marketing communication

My workshops for adults and children are bookable in my Berlin Mitte studio or in a location of your choice.
Starting from June 2024, I will offer open seasonal workshops in my studio. Dates will be announced on instagram and in my newsletter.

imagine a Scent

Hands-on workshop to create your own scent and tell your story through the secret language of plants. A space to experience what images, colours and memories emerge when you listen to your nose and your heart. Age 16-99.

★ Discover selected scent components and their virtues
★ Introduction to the temporal structure of scent composition
★ Individual coaching in your process
★ Hands-on formulation of your scent recipe
★ Creation of the scent and its individual packaging on site
★ Take away of an individually designed scent creation and its recipe
★ Tasting of specially made scent snacks & teas by the artist

Lara lighter-1200x1236

The workshop was a super nice and personal experience. With her knowledge and her kind manner, Ines held space for our creativity. She responded individually to our wishes and questions, so we were able to find out exactly which fragrances suited us best."

- Workshop participant, Lara Stiekel, student and entrepreneur

Imagine a Scent
Age 16-99

120 EUR
Price per person starts at

Max. 2 - 5 participants

Working together with an artist
Individual coaching
8ml spray bottle plus recipe
High quality organic ingredients
All materials included
Specially made organic scent snacks
& teas by the artist
Concession Price available

my First Perfume

Ideal portal for children into the magical universe of smells and the creation of one’s own first perfume. Age 8-15.

★ Introduction to scent universe and perfume making
★ Discover and guess natural scent components
★ Creative sharing session
★ Hands-on formulation of your scent recipe
★ Creation of the scent and its individual packaging on site
★ Take away of your very own perfume and its recipe


"I loved it all – smelling the essences, making my own scent and decorating my own bottle!"

- Workshop participant, Bintou (11)


My First Perfume
Age 8-15

80 EUR
Price per child starts at

Max. 3 - 6 participants

8ml spray bottle plus recipe
High quality organic ingredients
All materials included
Kids snacks and drinks included
Concession Price available
Inquire for school terms
Optional: product photography session of your own perfume